Leyla Jamil Rzayeva is a multimedia artist living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area. Leyla's work has been exhibited at the Berkeley Art Center; ME in a(ME)rica curated by WEDAPEPO Collective at Root Division; APAture 2023 at Kearny Street Workshop; the de Young Open exhibition at the de Young Museum in San Francisco; and 500 Capp Street Spring Invitational.
Leyla works to understand the role of people relating to place and history. The critical and creative components in her work unite dislocated cultural identities to critique expectations connected to artists from the West Asian diaspora. Leyla’s research and practice bring the personal knowledge of contemporary culture of West Asia to resonate in the development of post-colonial identities in her community.
info@rzayeva.com feel free to reach out with inquiries and for a list of avaiable work / founder of Clubhouse Lithography Workshop